# Badge

Documentation and examples for badges, our small count and labeling component.

# Example

Badges can be used as part of links or buttons to provide a counter.

<base-button type="primary">
  <badge type="white">4</badge>

# Contextual variations

Add any of the below mentioned modifier classes to change the appearance of a badge.

Default Primary Secondary Info Success Danger Warning
    <badge type="default">Default</badge>

    <badge type="primary">Primary</badge>

    <badge type="secondary">Secondary</badge>

    <badge type="info">Info</badge>

    <badge type="success">Success</badge>

    <badge type="danger">Danger</badge>

    <badge type="warning">Warning</badge>

# Pill badges

Use the pill prop to make badges more rounded (with a larger border-radius and additional horizontal padding). Useful if you miss the badges from v3.

Default Primary Secondary Info Success Danger Warning
    <badge pill type="default">Default</badge>

    <badge pill type="primary">Primary</badge>

    <badge pill type="secondary">Secondary</badge>

    <badge pill type="info">Info</badge>

    <badge pill type="success">Success</badge>

    <badge pill type="danger">Danger</badge>

    <badge pill type="warning">Warning</badge>

Using the contextual badge component together with the tag prop in order to switch to your desired html element. Providing tag="a" will transform the badge into an anchor with hover and focus states.

    <badge tag="a" href="#" type="default">Default</badge>

    <badge tag="a" href="#" type="primary">Primary</badge>

    <badge tag="a" href="#" type="secondary">Secondary</badge>

    <badge tag="a" href="#" type="info">Info</badge>

    <badge tag="a" href="#" type="success">Success</badge>

    <badge tag="a" href="#" type="danger">Danger</badge>

    <badge tag="a" href="#" type="warning">Warning</badge>

# Props